Shetland LEADER Programme 2014-20

Development of the Shetland LEADER 2014-2020 Local Development Strategy and Business Plan


The key priority theme for LEADER 2014-20 is “Promoting social inclusion, poverty reduction and economic development”. The Priority Actions identified in the Shetland Local Development Strategy are:

  • Support communities to develop projects which address carbon reduction and energy saving
  • Develop and enhance services and facilities which support a high quality of life in local communities
  • Enhance the natural and cultural heritage of Shetland and improve tourism and leisure opportunities in local areas
  • Encourage community initiatives which develop food and drink projects
  • Provide communities with the means and opportunity to address issues of poverty, disadvantage and inequality
  • Encourage co-operation and experience-sharing with rural areas located elsewhere in Scotland, the UK and Europe

The Shetland Priority Actions and Targets and were developed following a series of public workshops held across Shetland during February and March 2014. 6 public meetings were held, across all the Shetland Islands Council wards (Levenwick, Sellafirth, Bridge End, Bixter, Voe and Lerwick) and a meeting for representatives of public and voluntary organisations in Lerwick. The suggestions for actions to address issues of local concern and projects that could be supported under the Shetland LEADER programme 2014-20 were compiled and used to form the basis of the Shetland Local Development Strategy 2014-20. The draft strategy was submitted to the Scottish Government on 31st March 2014. The draft strategy was then refined following feedback from the Scottish Government, the final version of the Local Development Strategy can be found here

A review was carried out of the projects which received funding in the previous LEADER programme 2007-2013 which can be found here


The Shetland LEADER Programme 2014-20 has a budget of £2,467,000.

Of the budget available;

  • at least 10% Co-operation projects - Projects which aim to share knowledge with another group, business or individual in Shetland, Scotland, UK, Europe or further afield.
  • at least 10% SME, Enterprise - this can include diversification, revenue generation and research
  • at least 10% Farm diversification - on farm diversification which is not covered by another SRDP scheme
  • maximum of 25% administration - programme administration

Intervention level and decisions

All funding decisions rest with the Shetland Local Action Group (LAG) and being deemed eligible is no guarantee that a project will receive funding. Grants awarded will be for the minimum that is required for the project to proceed and the maximum grant available is unlikely to exceed 50% of eligible project costs. State Aid rules may limit the funding that can be awarded to a particular project.


  • December 2015 Shetland LEADER Programme 2014-20 open for applications
  • Annual review of Local Development Strategy
  • Local Action Group meeting dates available here
  • No new project approvals by LAGs after December 2019
  • No increases to overall financial commitments to existing projects after end December 2019
  • All project claims are paid by the LAG to projects by end December 2020