How To Apply

Please note: the Shetland LEADER programme 2014-2020 is now closed for Expressions of Interest. For further details on the European Maritime & Fisheries Fund (EMFF) 2014-20, please contact Sally Spence.

If you are interested in applying for LEADER funding, you should contact with either Sheila Tulloch on 744950 or Annette Priest on 744902.

If you are interested in applying to the EMFF, you should contact Sally Spence on 744915.

Both funds use the same Local Development Strategy, available here, but the priority areas and application process are different.

Further information on the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund is available here

Shetland LEADER 2014-2020 programme application process

Step 1 - Expression of Interest

The Expression of Interest Form is available on the Scottish Rural Network website. Once submitted the form is automatically forwarded onto the Shetland LEADER team, who will check that, the project:

  • is eligible for LEADER funding
  • fits with the priorities of the Local Development Strategy (Available here)
  • is suitable for LEADER funding

The Expression of Interest Form will be considered by the Local Action Group, it is therefore important to include as much information as possible. Once the project has been discussed, a member of the LEADER team will provide feedback.

Step 2 - Application for Funding

If the Shetland Local Action Group agrees that the project is a good fit to the Shetland Local Development Strategy, applicants will be invited to apply.

Note - being invited to submit a full application is not a guarantee of grant funding.

Step 3 - Assessment of the Application

Once the application and supporting documents have been submitted, these will be checked by a member of the Shetland LEADER team. The team member may ask for additional information or clarification. Once these have all been agreed, the application will be considered by the Shetland LAG members.

Full applications must be submitted 4 weeks before LAG meeting dates, dates can be found here.

Once the Local Action Group has considered the application, a LEADER team member will contact the applicant to inform them of the outcome.

Note - The Shetland Local Action Group have still not received full guidance, which may lead to delays on some queries.

Step 4 - Offer of Funding

For those projects which are successful, an offer letter will be sent, detailing the funding offer, which must be accepted in writing. The project must not commence until the offer letter has been signed and returned to the LEADER office.

Step 5 - Project Implementation and Claims

The LEADER team will be available throughout to assist with any queries relating to projects.

Note: grant may be paid by instalment, but costs must have been incurred before claims can be made.